
en nl

    Parfum Flower Company


    We were invited to have coffee at Parfum Flower Company, where we had a very nice and open conversation with Wouter de Vries (Director) and were given a peek into the stock, a sweet shop for florists and wedding designers.

    Parfum Flower Company delivers roses that are specially selected for their appearance and scent, grown by growers from different parts of the world. The focus is on finding and growing the most exclusive varieties, but sustainability also plays a very important role. All aspects surrounding the company are critically examined, paper, plastic, driven kilometers, all CO2 consumption is measured. They look at how this can be reduced, and the remainder is used to plant new trees. This way Parfum Flower Company is CO2 positive. And that is of course fantastic!

    In addition to roses Parfum Flower Company also supplies dried flowers. This too came about from a sustainable idea: 'what can we do with our waste?’ All kinds of ideas have been considered, but in the current trend, the solution was very simple; the roses that can no longer be sold as fresh can be dried beautifully. At 'Zero Waste', to give the flowers a second chance!

    In addition to the 'Zero Waste' brand, the demand for more soon came and Parfum Flower Company was able to expand the range of dried flowers under the 'Dried Flowers' brand; a complete range of various dried flowers, where the focus is mainly on Pampas, Lavender, and bleached products. Just like the roses, the 'Dried Flowers' can be delivered finely within the sector.

    ParfumFlowerCompany logo 2

    David Austin Keira


    Princess Hitomi


    Westminster Abbey

    Prince Jardinier

    David Austin Constance

    David Austin Leonora

    Princess Miyuki


    Legmeerdijk 313
    1431 GB Aalsmeer
    Tel.: +31 (0)297 386 116
    The Netherlands

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