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    This week at FloraPodium

    'Wedding & Events'

    Inspiration Page

    We try to give you a small glimpse into the world of Wedding and Events flowers in different ways; for instance by highlighting a special product that we think is particularly suitable for events, but also by offering interesting facts and news, but most of all by including photos of flower arrangements and decorations for inspiration. Have you seen or made something special and would you like to share it with us? Then send your photos to: 


    Poinsettias for design lovers.


    Poinsettias and design; at first glance these words might seem a contradiction in terms. After all, the plant is still struggling to gain a more modern image but, take a closer look, and you'll quickly realise the great potential of the poinsettia, which hardly any other winter-flowering plant can match in terms of versatility and decorative possibilities. Thanks to its wide range of colours, sizes and growth habits, the poinsettia is not only a favourite pot plant, but as a cut flower too, it outshines most other winter bloomers. With its huge mock flowers and extra-long vase life it is ideal for modern floral arrangements. Read more...


    How to make a poinsettia thrive. Expert tips on selection and care. 


    For decades, the colourful leaves of poinsettias have marked the most beautiful time of year. A festive combination of freshly baked biscuits, candlelight and floral poinsettias is a ritual that make Christmas so special. But weeks before the first door on the Advent calendar opens, poinsettias are already revealing their potential. The poinsettia experts at Stars for Europe share tips on how to keep these plants looking their best for weeks. Read more...

    Poinsettia for Winter Weddings


    All pre-conceived notions of the poinsettia as a purely traditional pot plant have been blown away by the work of five über-talented professional florists. Tasked by Stars for Europe with designing a wedding bouquet incorporating a poinsettia, the five have revealed the poinsettia to be a spectacular, versatile and long-lasting cut flower. The trick to producing long-lasting cut poinsettia is to dip the cut stem immediately in hot water at 60˚C for 20 seconds and then into cold water for 10 seconds. This seals in the milky euphorbia sap and helps the cut poinsettia last up to two weeks in water or five to six hours out of water. Read more...


    FloraPodium, 21 October 2021

    Text and Photo's: Stars for Europe



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